


EIN Presswire Affiliate Program | Earn Up to 25% Per Sale
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With the EIN PressWire Affiliate Program, you will earn up to 25% Revenue Share per sale and have a 30-day cookie window to help you with conversion. EIN PressWire Affiliate Program: A Brief Overview EIN... Read more »

Fintech & Crypto

EIN Presswire Affiliate Program | Earn Up to 25% Per Sale
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With the EIN PressWire Affiliate Program, you will earn up to 25% Revenue Share per sale and have a 30-day cookie window to help you with conversion. EIN PressWire Affiliate Program: A Brief Overview EIN... Read more »

Fintech & Investing

Gaming & Gambling

Health, Wellness & Beauty

EIN Presswire Affiliate Program | Earn Up to 25% Per Sale
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With the EIN PressWire Affiliate Program, you will earn up to 25% Revenue Share per sale and have a 30-day cookie window to help you with conversion. EIN PressWire Affiliate Program: A Brief Overview EIN... Read more »

Home & Garden


EIN Presswire Affiliate Program | Earn Up to 25% Per Sale
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With the EIN PressWire Affiliate Program, you will earn up to 25% Revenue Share per sale and have a 30-day cookie window to help you with conversion. EIN PressWire Affiliate Program: A Brief Overview EIN... Read more »

Lifestyle & Recreation

EIN Presswire Affiliate Program | Earn Up to 25% Per Sale
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With the EIN PressWire Affiliate Program, you will earn up to 25% Revenue Share per sale and have a 30-day cookie window to help you with conversion. EIN PressWire Affiliate Program: A Brief Overview EIN... Read more »

Sports & Outdoors


EIN Presswire Affiliate Program | Earn Up to 25% Per Sale
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With the EIN PressWire Affiliate Program, you will earn up to 25% Revenue Share per sale and have a 30-day cookie window to help you with conversion. EIN PressWire Affiliate Program: A Brief Overview EIN... Read more »

Two-Tier Affiliate Programs

EIN Presswire Affiliate Program | Earn Up to 25% Per Sale
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With the EIN PressWire Affiliate Program, you will earn up to 25% Revenue Share per sale and have a 30-day cookie window to help you with conversion. EIN PressWire Affiliate Program: A Brief Overview EIN... Read more »
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Blockchain and Cryptocurrency

Prime XBT Affiliate Program | Earn 70% RS and up to $1,250 per CPA

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Aperçu du programme

The Prime XBT Affiliate Program allows you to generate 70% RS income, up to $1,250 per CPA, and you can also choose a hybrid program.

Prime XBT Affiliate Program: A Brief Overview

Prime XBT is a cryptocurrency exchange platform that facilitates the process of making an informed investment. It has a trading platform where its users can take advantage of its low commissions and fast order execution. It was founded in 2018 and currently works with clients from more than 150 countries. It is the perfect place for users with no trading experience, as well as for experts in the field.

In addition, it has a Prime XBT affiliate program, which allows you to generate income by promoting its products. You can choose from three different commission plans: Revenue Share (RS), where you can earn up to 70% commission on the platform fees, and CPA, where you can earn between $40 and $1,250 for each referral. You can also create a hybrid between the two.

What Does Prime XBT Affiliate Program Offer?

To become a Prime XBT Affiliate, you don’t have to meet demanding requirements. Anyone can join, but it is recommended that you have an audience that is interested in trading. You can promote through blogs, YouTube channels, or social networks. All you have to do is register on the affiliate web portal.

You will have three different options in the affiliate program to choose the one that benefits you the most.

Revenue Share

You will be able to receive an ongoing commission of up to 70% of all commercial fees paid by the users you refer.


This is the most popular option, with a stable commission, where you receive between $40 and $1,250 for each qualified trader you refer.

Hybrid CPA + Revenue Share

The hybrid option brings the best of both options, where you receive a fixed commission for each potential client referred. In addition, you receive RS payments every time your referrals make an investment.

Additionally, you can earn a tiered commission with the referral program, which is structured as follows:

  • 20% of the commercial fees for direct referrals.
  • 15% for 2nd-level referrals.
  • 10% for 3rd-level referrals.
  • 5% for 4th-level referrals.

The payments of your commissions can be made by any one of numerous payment platforms, including Skrill, ePayments, and WebMoney, among others. The payments are fast, made on a weekly basis, and only require a minimum affiliate account balance of $100.

Benefits of Working With Prime XBT Affiliate Program

By joining Prime XBT Affiliate Program, you will have access to benefits that will help you succeed. By joining this program, you will be working with a trading platform that is currently gaining an audience. Its tools can be used by both experts and beginners, so there is a wide audience to refer to.

In addition, the affiliate program uses Affise, an advanced tracking analysis tool. This way, all affiliates will have access to all relevant information, such as commissions and clicks, and you will be able to view it all through comprehensive reports. All affiliates have access to promotional materials such as banners, logos, and more to accompany their advertising campaigns.

Finally, you will have an affiliate support team available to help you with any questions you may have.

Prime XBT Affiliate Program: The Final TopRanked Opinion

Prime XBT is a platform that, although quite new, has already distinguished itself in the trading market. Regarding its Prime XBT affiliate program, it has a good structure that gives several options according to the preference of its affiliates, with commission plans encompassing the full gamut, from RS to CPA, and Hybrid, opening the doors for every affiliate to participate in it.

The commissions, in all cases, are good compared to other companies in the industry. In addition, it is advantageous that the company provides its affiliates with promotional material and personalized support from its managers.

The only drawback of this program is the regional restrictions. Some regions of the world, with some large regions like the United States not eligible for this affiliate program.

Your Rating for this listing:



Johana Bracho es una bióloga venezolana especializada en ecofisiología vegetal. Es una apasionada del marketing de afiliación, además de escritora de contenidos y maquetadora de libros. Johana se especializa en descubrir ofertas de afiliación lucrativas -aunque a menudo difíciles de encontrar- que presenta a nuestra audiencia en palabras sencillas junto con un enlace directo a la página de registro de afiliación de cada comerciante u operador. Totalmente bilingüe, escribe contenidos de afiliación tanto en español como en inglés con la esperanza de hacer llegar la mejor oferta al mayor número de afiliados.

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