


EIN Presswire Affiliate Program | Earn Up to 25% Per Sale
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With the EIN PressWire Affiliate Program, you will earn up to 25% Revenue Share per sale and have a 30-day cookie window to help you with conversion. EIN PressWire Affiliate Program: A Brief Overview EIN... Read more »

Fintech & Crypto

EIN Presswire Affiliate Program | Earn Up to 25% Per Sale
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With the EIN PressWire Affiliate Program, you will earn up to 25% Revenue Share per sale and have a 30-day cookie window to help you with conversion. EIN PressWire Affiliate Program: A Brief Overview EIN... Read more »

Fintech & Investing

Gaming & Gambling

Health, Wellness & Beauty

EIN Presswire Affiliate Program | Earn Up to 25% Per Sale
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With the EIN PressWire Affiliate Program, you will earn up to 25% Revenue Share per sale and have a 30-day cookie window to help you with conversion. EIN PressWire Affiliate Program: A Brief Overview EIN... Read more »

Home & Garden


EIN Presswire Affiliate Program | Earn Up to 25% Per Sale
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With the EIN PressWire Affiliate Program, you will earn up to 25% Revenue Share per sale and have a 30-day cookie window to help you with conversion. EIN PressWire Affiliate Program: A Brief Overview EIN... Read more »

Lifestyle & Recreation

EIN Presswire Affiliate Program | Earn Up to 25% Per Sale
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With the EIN PressWire Affiliate Program, you will earn up to 25% Revenue Share per sale and have a 30-day cookie window to help you with conversion. EIN PressWire Affiliate Program: A Brief Overview EIN... Read more »

Sports & Outdoors


EIN Presswire Affiliate Program | Earn Up to 25% Per Sale
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With the EIN PressWire Affiliate Program, you will earn up to 25% Revenue Share per sale and have a 30-day cookie window to help you with conversion. EIN PressWire Affiliate Program: A Brief Overview EIN... Read more »

Two-Tier Affiliate Programs

EIN Presswire Affiliate Program | Earn Up to 25% Per Sale
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With the EIN PressWire Affiliate Program, you will earn up to 25% Revenue Share per sale and have a 30-day cookie window to help you with conversion. EIN PressWire Affiliate Program: A Brief Overview EIN... Read more »
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Beauty & Grooming Affiliate Program | Earn Up to 8% Per Sale

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Aperçu du programme

In the Affiliate Program, you can earn up to 8% commission on orders by new customers and 3% commission on returning customers. Affiliate Program: A Brief Overview

Bodybuilding is a company that offers advice on nutrition plans, physical training, and support groups to get fit and healthy. It was launched in 1999 to help as many people as possible reach their fitness goals and achieve their target weight. They have products and dietary supplements that help users to improve their physical health and performance.

It provides the technology, tools, and products needed to burn fat, build muscle and get healthy. In addition, the platform offers more than 19 thousand articles and more than 3 thousand free videos from leading experts in the field, where you can find information with more than 1.7 thousand recipes for nutrition, exercise, supplements, motivation, and more.

They provide at least 100 fitness plans that include video instructions, daily workouts, nutrition guides, and supplements. This platform is ranked as the most visited site for its content.

With over 1.1 million daily unique visitors, this is a solid and reputable company with a Bodybuilding affiliate program. In this program, they provide the marketing tools to help drive traffic to the company and will pay affiliates a commission of up to 8%.

What commission plans do I find in the Affiliate Program?

The Affiliate program offers several ways to earn, by becoming an affiliate:

  • Store Affiliate: Store affiliates drive traffic to the world’s largest online specialty sports nutrition provider. In this plan, you run campaigns for amazing deals on the best products from top brands.
  • BODYFIT Affiliate: BODYFIT is a subscription service that gives users access to exclusive content, including more than 60 expertly designed fitness plans. In this sense, by generating traffic with this plan, you start earning excellent commissions.

Commissions are split into new and returning customers. New partners with fitness and nutrition-related content websites start on a plan where they earn an 8% commission rate on orders completed by new customers and a 3% commission rate on orders completed by customers who have previously purchased.

It should be noted that tracking cookies are single-use cookies. This means that whether the customer is new or repeat, only one transaction that you submit on an affiliate referral will be eligible for commission. Another way to earn passive revenue is through coupons that are given to sites that do not offer similar content. With such coupons, you can earn fixed commissions of 2% on all transactions.

To withdraw the profits obtained from the Affiliate Program, each month’s transactions are blocked after 30 days and then paid 15 days later (45 days). But, you have to consider that the minimum amount required is $50.

What Benefits Does the Affiliate Program Offer?

This program provides benefits for affiliates with similar content and for content that is not similar but can prove that it has a suitable audience. Thus, the company provides marketing tools to help generate traffic, paying a commission of up to 8%.

The tools to create the campaigns include text links, banners, and new articles for use on the site and posts on the affiliate’s social networks. These tools will have their own unique ID that will allow measurement of the amount of traffic being sent. Affiliate Program: TopRanked’s Final Take

If you publish content for an audience looking to improve their health through fitness, this Affiliate Program is the opportunity for extra earnings. The program is well-supported, with excellent support for creating the campaigns, and provides the material for the promotions.

In spite of that, the withdrawal time of 45 days is a long time to wait. What’s more, the single-use cookies that expire at the end of a referred user’s session mean you will not see any commission for previously referred traffic, which will have a big impact on affiliate sales.

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Johana Bracho is a Venezuelan biologist specialized in plant ecophysiology. She is passionate about affiliate marketing, as well as a content writer and book layout artist. Johana specializes in uncovering lucrative - though often hard to find - affiliate offers that she presents to our audience in simple words along with a direct link to each merchant's or operator's affiliate registration page. Fully bilingual, she writes affiliate content in both Spanish and English in the hopes of getting the best offer to the greatest number of affiliates.

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